Redeem your PURINA reward code for DOGTV. Instructions on where to go to redeem & apply the code:
Go to
Step 1: Create an Account by filling out the Account Information in Step 1. Accept the terms and conditions and select Continue.
Step 2: Select your Plan: Select the Month + 7-day free trial plan
Step 3: On the “Set Up Your Payment” page, select “Add Promo Code.” Enter your redemption code provided to you in your email from Purina and hit "apply". You will see the credit for your 1 month free.
Step 4: Enter payment information and Select “Start Your Subscription.” Enjoy your first month free during this trial period!
The email and password you entered in Step 1 will be how you access DOGTV, via a web browser at or by downloading and logging into one of our popular streaming platforms.
Promo codes CANNOT BE REDEEMED on third-party app platforms like Roku, Amazon FireTV, Apple, or on an Android device.
To redeem your promo or coupon code, you must sign up on our web platform, following the steps above, and once you have an active subscription you can log in and watch on any of these third-party platforms.
You can cancel your subscription on our site or via any of the apps if you don't want to continue past your initial offer period.
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